
Keywords: networking
Launch date:
12 September 2012
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
Through innovative interior design in three floors, the visitors more or less are forced to see each other, thereby creating not only planned meetings, but also unplanned meetings, such as at the coffee machine. At creActive you can meet anyone at any time during the day, but you can also book the venue for various events.
What is the purpose of your solution
CreActive Linköping is a creative meeting arena of 750 square meters in the heart of Mjärdevi Science Park (now known as Linköping Science Park) for creating innovations and making innovative people meet. The purpose of creActive Linköping is to facilitate these meetings between companies and students, between research and industry and between companies of all types.
What is innovative about it
Everyone is welcome, every day. Almost everything is permitted. We use PWYW (Pay What You Want), which means that students and startups can use the premises for free and more solid businesses can choose what they want to pay to hire the venue for events. creActive Linköping is a totally new type of venue, you cannot find anything like it anywhere else. Therefore, it is actually very hard to explain what it is, because it is a combination of many needs in a very creative way. It is decorated in a very innovative way entirely by students, for students. It has a fridge, freezer, a lot of microwave ovens, projector and screen, sound system, sofas, study tables, meeting rooms, an event arena, and free coffee. creActive is a meeting arena for really everyone, and it works. In the first year we had 28,000 visitors.
What impact has your solution had
Meetings between different types of persons, creating partnerships and innovations that otherwise would not have come to life. Several companies and joint ventures and innovative ideas have been born in the premises and many have also been developing and growing in creActive Linköping.
Who are the main users
Students, researchers, companies, organizations
Who runs it
Linköping Science Park
For more solutions from IASP member Linköping Science Park click here