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Inspiring Solutions
Embarque Digital
2020_05_07_Brazil_Porto Digital
By Porto Digital Technology Park, Year 2023 Finalist, located in Brazil
Keywords: employment, sustainability
Main users: Students
Launch date: 
06 November 2023
Describe your solution in 50 words or less
The Embarque Digital is the largest IT training and inclusion program in Recife, managing to double the number of IT students in the city, reduce vacancies in the companies of the technology park, and increase the employability and income of the students.
What is the purpose of your solution
​The Embarque Digital Program offers a solution to the issue of talent scarcity in the IT sector. It addresses the challenges of high unemployment and generational risk, with a particular emphasis on the difficulties faced by young people, as well as black/brown individuals and women. Thus, the solution aimed to promote the qualifications and employability of young people in Recife in order to increase the supply of qualified human capital in IT sectors, and improves employability and inclusion of vulnerable segments of society. It also expands the supply of technological undergraduate courses with a curriculum that meets market demands, and has developed a Professional and Technological Residency Program that provides practical training and immersive pedagogical experiences in technology companies. Porto Digital will benefit from qualified human capital with skills that are in line with the needs of companies in the technology park, while also becoming more attractive to potential new entrants to the ecosystem due to the supply of skilled talent.
The Embarque Digital program employs a bold methodology to promote social, economic, and productive inclusion. With the support of the quadruple helix, it has become the world's most extensive and comprehensive of its kind.

Through the Professional Technology Residency - a practical discipline in the curriculum of the IT courses, in which students develop real challenges in the technology sector while maintaining close contact with technology companies - the program promotes closer ties between educational institutions and companies, creating curricula and pedagogical plans that are aligned with the needs of the IT market.

This methodology reduces the skills gap, providing opportunities for training for low-income young people, focusing on increasing their employability and reducing generational risk through full scholarships for students from public schools, guaranteeing 50% of the spots for black and brown youth, as well as practical immersion in companies within the technology park, providing students with access to the job market, resulting in a positive impact on their families' income and transforming their reality.
The Embarque Digital Program has presented significant results, generating socioeconomic development, income, and productive inclusion. The transformative potential of the program can be evidenced by its results, which include the participation of more than 30 IT companies, 5 Higher Education Institutions, and 1,069 students with full scholarships funded by the city government of Recife, which contributed a total of U$ 6 million to the program. The Embarque Digital Program has managed to double the number of IT students in Recife, which is already the regional capital with the largest number of IT students in Brazil; reduce the dropout rate in IT courses, which was 69% in 2019, reaching a rate of about 7% in the program; increase the employability of young people, achieving more than 42% employability in the 3rd academic period; promote diversity with approximately 33% female students and 65% black and/or brown students; and increase the students' family income. These results point to the potential of the Program, which has been successful in reducing the human capital gap presented in the technology park and aims to impact about 1,700 families by the end of the program in 2024.

Who are the main users
The main users of Embarque Digital are young students (living in Recife who graduated from public schools and took the college national exam such as SSA or ENEM); higher education institutions partnering with the program (SENAC, UNIT, FICR, UNINASSAU, CATÓLICA); TI companies partnering with Porto Digital and the local community.
The Porto Digital Management Center, that is the governing entity of the technological park, is responsible for directing the Embarque Digital Program, promoting the curation of the program's methodology and the adaptation of the curriculum matrix of the higher education institutions, as well as selecting these institutions and partner companies.
For more solutions from IASP member Porto Digital Technology Park click here