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29th IASP World Conference 2012

Effective Management towards Successful Knowledge Based Economy

2011_05_31_Poster 2012 Tallinn_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Ghassan Kbar
  2. Co-authors
    Abdul Aziz Aldusari,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    June 2012
  5. Place of publication
    Proceedings of the 29th IASP World Conference 2012
  6. Number of pages
Science and Technology Parks play an important role in developing a strong Knowledge Based Economy (KBE) for the nations. This is mainly due to the execution of different initiatives to promote innovations and support the research and development as well as the technology transfer. These initiatives would have a great effect on the national economy once an eco-system has been established to support the different development phases in order to progress the innovative ideas towards creating useful products. Managing this eco-system would require a well-defined knowledge management process that deals with the creation and transfer of knowledge, the dissemination of knowledge, the utilization of knowledge, and the monitoring the execution of knowledge management phases. In this paper, the programs used to establish the eco-system at Riyadh Techno Valley (RTV), the process of sharing and disseminating knowledge at RTV, and an analytical method for assessing and measuring the effectiveness of the knowledge based economy has been described. This is based on a well-defined set of performance indicators to verify the availability of useful knowledge for achieving a successful investment and business continuity so a strong efficient KBE can be achieved.
  1. Conference name
    29th IASP World Conference 2012
  2. Conference theme
    Science and Technology Parks: Serving the Companies and the Innovation Community
  3. Location
    Tallinn, Estonia
  4. Conference start date
    17 June 2012
  5. Conference end date
    20 June 2012