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XX IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks

FORTH & STEP-C : Catalysts of innovation in the periphery of Europe

2008_06_28_Poster 2003 Lisboa_FINAL
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Artemis Saitakis
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    June 2003
  4. Place of publication
    Lisbon, Portugal
  5. Number of pages
This paper aims to describe the role that the Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH), the largest research organisation in Greece and the Science & Technology Park of Crete (STEP-C) play in the commercialisation and exploitation of the research results, in order to promote the development of the island and to stimulate the local economy.\nEstablished in 1983, the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) is the largest Research Organisation in the country. It employs about 1000 scientists, research technicians and graduate students and operates two Science and Technology Parks. It is recognised world-wide for its top quality research in the areas of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Laser Technology and applications, Materials Science, Informatics and Telematics applications, Applied Mathematics, Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Technology. FORTH promotes the development of new technologies, the diffusion of technological know-how, the creation of new products and services in a continuous effort to respond to the demand of the Greek society for modernisation and innovation, features, which allow the country to actively participate in the international economic competition.One of the FORTHs strategic objectives is to develop its links with the society and also to serve as a catalyst for the improvement of competitiveness of local and national economy through development of new technologies and attraction of investments.STEP-C was established in 1993 FORTH. The idea was to promote the creation of a third thrust of development on the island, in addition to the agriculture and tourism by encouraging new innovative companies to join the Park and become major vehicles of the technology transfer process.STEP-C gears itself to become an ever increasing attraction as an Incubator, nurturing spin-offs and small innovative companies in the areas of Medical Equipment, Biotechnology, Telecommunications and Telematics, Microelectronics and Laser applications, Polymers and Applied Mathematics, which are key strength areas of FORTH and the University of Crete. The Park is currently accommodates 30 technological and service companies.
  1. Conference name
    XX IASP World Conference on Science and Technology Parks
  2. Conference theme
    Habitats of Excellence - Managing and Promoting Innovation
  3. Location
    Lisbon, Portugal
  4. Conference start date
    01 June 2003
  5. Conference end date
    04 June 2003