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2006 IASP Asia Divisions Conference on Science and Technology Parks

Impediments to Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Implications for Science Parks and Business Incubators in the knowledge economy

2006_08_31_10 ASPA Annual Conference
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Julian Webb
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    October 2006
  4. Place of publication
  5. Number of pages
With globalization and the knowledge economy the world has changed, but have science parks and business incubators kept up with the times? The paper analyses some of the impediments to innovation and entrepreneurship in developing countries, to draw out lessons for Science Parks and Business Incubators and to pose questions. 1. Is the combination of innovation and entrepreneurship a useful way in which to consider business incubation and technology parks? 2. How relevant is innovation for entrepreneurship? 3. How important is venture capital when most successful companies have bootstrapped themselves? 4. Should ICT enabling of enterprises, in numerous sectors, be a focus? The paper raises the topic of convergence and hybridization of Science Parks, Industry Clusters and Business Incubation to create innovative new models. The differences between each are only slight and convergence is happening by default, implying there are underlying principles common to each which may be useful for development of innovative new models.
  1. Conference name
    2006 IASP Asia Divisions Conference on Science and Technology Parks
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks: Serving Knowledge-Based Business to Enhance Economic Development
  3. Location
  4. Conference start date
    16 October 2006
  5. Conference end date
    19 October 2006