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30th IASP World Conference

Science Parks Shaping New Cities: A City's Point of View

2012_06_08_Poster 2013 Recife_FINAL_low
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Jacques des Ormeaux
  2. Publisher
  3. Publication date
    October 2013
  4. Place of publication
    Recife, Brazil
  5. Number of pages
Cities throughout the world are at the front line in economic development. The purpose of this paper is to provide the audience with a clear view of what a city is expecting of STPs on its territory and at the same time, on the way in which STPs are able to influence and shape cities. This paper will point out the nature of cities responsibilities and obligations. It will also describe the extent to which cities activities are confronted with when having to respond to never-ending demands of all sorts. The audience will understand the major preoccupation of cities to constantly find ways to afford the services that they are providing. Finally, where do STPs fit in the operations of cities, as partners, shapers and influential assets? We truly believe that if STPs want to be partners with cities, they have to understand what drives them, their concerns, and their capabilities to coordinate the whole.
  1. Conference name
    30th IASP World Conference
  2. Conference theme
    Science parks shaping new cities
  3. Location
    Recife, Brazil
  4. Conference start date
    14 October 2013
  5. Conference end date
    17 October 2013