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34th IASP World Conference on Science Parks & Areas of Innovation

Analysis of Innovation Ecosystem from Perspectives of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Concept and Lean Start-up: Brazilian Context

2016_08_01_IASP 2017 conference poster
Document type:
Conference Paper
0.00 €
  1. Authors
    Luiz Carlos Pinto Silva Filho
  2. Co-authors
    Carla Schwengber Ten Caten ,
    Diego Souza Silva,
    Vivian Pizzato Numes,
  3. Publisher
  4. Publication date
    September 2017
  5. Place of publication
    Istanbul, Turkey
  6. Number of pages
Startups are enterprises that generally operate under a risky, uncertain and volatile environment (TRIMI& BERBEGAL‐MIRABENT, 2012). Typically, the operating context for a startup is filled with variability and change, requiring high levels of adaptability and rapid response to market shifting demands ormovements. The role of a startup leader in enabling the business to innovate and succeed is largely discussed. This paper tries to assess how some Brazilian startup leaders comprehend innovation and how much they are confident in their personal ability to foster it. This was done by means of a structured survey in which their confidence in their own capacity to guide the company to success was assessed.The survey also evaluated how much of Lean Startup methods and concepts are being implemented inthe daily life of startups. All respondents of the survey are part of tech‐startups, connected to fast growing environments, such as incubators or accelerators. The main findings are related to the existence of gaps in the comprehension of Brazilian startup´s leaders regarding how innovation takes place, and acertain level of uncertainty on their own capacity to foster it, which might reveal a gap in the provision of training and developing practices in current ecosystems managed by incubators, accelerators and technology parks in Brazil.
  1. Conference name
    34th IASP World Conference on Science Parks & Areas of Innovation
  2. Conference theme
    Science Parks and Natural Innovation ecosystems: articulating future strategies
  3. Location
    Istanbul, Turkey
  4. Conference start date
    26 September 2017
  5. Conference end date
    29 September 2017