Prototyping takes off in Medellin
Launched last month by IASP member Ruta N, the Creation Lab offers 3D printing and laser cutting facilities to help new companies to build prototypes and create unique machine parts and instruments. They can radically reduce the time and cost of bringing a product to market – the prototype allows entrepreneurs to identify any problems their product may have, solve them early on and test the potential market.
For example, a textiles startup can produce fabric samples at the Creation Lab to validate appearance and design elements, or adapt them and try different raw materials with virtually no production costs. Larger companies are using it too: Coltejer, one of Latin America's oldest textile companies, is taking advantage of the Creation Lab to explore ideas for future products and innovations.
Ruta N innovation consultant Geovanny Correa commented: "The service aims to show what prototyping is for – the steps involved, the advantages, how it can help to solve problems before launching products and services that could have risks where marketing and functionality are concerned. And of course, to test market conditions."
You can find out more about Ruta N Medellin at